He who loves his brother abides in the light..

Welcome to UPIC

UPIC, Inc. is a licensed non-profit organization striving to improve the lives of Christians in need in the Middle East. Forgotten by much of the western world, there are only a few organizations actively working to ease their plight. We add our effort to theirs.. and we humbly undertake the task Almighty God has impressed upon our hearts.

"But whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?"  1 John 3:17

What if?

What if one day you had to get up and flee with your children because it is no longer safe to be a Christian where you live?

What if you had to leave without a car or more money than what you have in your home right at this moment?  What if there were no family to run to because they are fleeing, too?  Or have even been killed.. What if you had to leave your home and everything familiar to take only what you can carry?

What if you desperately needed to get your children hundreds of miles away to another country.. where a refugee camp of too few tents and blankets, and with diseases and not enough food to go around, is the only place you can go?  What if there were no police who will protect you.. and the organizations who would help you can't because they don't have enough resources?

What if you were a fleeing Christian with millions of brothers and sisters in Christ across an ocean.. people who have never gone hungry and who practice the same faith you do, but  in complete freedom?  What if they set great store by their Sunday sermons on "brotherly love" and talk about being persecuted for their faith.. while you live what they have only had to talk about?

What if these people went about their daily lives, comfortable, well fed and prosperous.. oblivious to what you're going through? Sure, they hear about it in church or from glimpses of late night pleadings from charities before they hurriedly change the channel, but.. what if they will do nothing?

What if you and they stand before the judgment seat of Christ someday?  Will He hold them blameless?  Will He say to them, "Good and faithful servant; you have fed My sheep." Or will He say, "You bought designer clothing and new electronics, and walked away from the table full to the brim while your brother starved. Your sister was fleeing for her life, and that of her children, while you ran to the mall. You said you were My servant, even calling on Me to answer your prayers.. yet you were deaf to the tears of the most needy and oppressed from among the body of believers. Get away; I never knew thee."

What if?

Events Calendar

09/30/2009 20:51

UPIC's Fall Dinner 2009

  UNITED PEOPLE IN CHRIST 1998 – 2009  Celebrating 11 years of helping the needy and afflicted Christians of the Middle East   You...
04/26/2009 13:00

UPIC's 2009 Spring Picnic!

UPIC's 2009 Spring Picnic: Sunday, April 26th, 2009 from 1:30 to 6 pm at Sanlando Park in Altamonte Springs, Florida. Food, games, tons of fun....


02/01/2009 14:25

The Desperate Plight of Iraqi Christians

Several factors have contributed to the world’s neglect of the condition of Iraqi Christians. The Iraqi government for instance has recently been...
01/30/2009 19:28

Wheels of Love

Richard Stepan, a medical supply sales representative and a member of Hope Haven International Ministries, has found his calling by donating...
11/12/2008 13:39

Son of Martyred Pastor Free on Bail

LOS ANGELES, November 10 (Compass Direct News) -- Concerns about the health and safety of the son of martyred Iranian pastor Hossein Soodmand are...


United People in Christ, Inc.
P. O. Box 162601
Altamonte Springs, FL 32716-2601

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    And though I have the gift of
    prophecy, and understand all 
    mysteries and all knowledge, 
    and though I have all faith, so 
    that I could remove mountains, 
    but have not love, I am nothing.
    1 Cor 13:2


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